8 Values: Individual Self-Fulfillment

Free expression is a powerful thing for a person to utilize, and within it comes specific values. There are eight values of free expression, and each one describes in different ways why free expression is important to us as American Citizens. The value that seems the most personally important for me is Individual Self- Fulfillment.

"Individual self-fulfillment, often associated with the liberty theory, posits that people need and crave the ability to express themselves to become fully functioning individuals. Censorship stunts personal growth and individual expansion."


I chose this one because it focuses on free speech and how it allows us to create our personal identity and way of showcasing what is important to us. This resonates the most with me especially in this day in age, because being able to utilize your personal voice and opinions especially on social media is crucial. 


I think Individual self-fulfillment can be linked to social media today. With online platforms, people are able to promote their own personal brand, which is composed of what they believe, like, associate with, etc. All these stem back to our right to freely express who we want to be. 

In the real world today we have recently seen a spark in the Black Lives Matter Movement and I think the value of Individual Self Fulfillment is something that helped contribute to the power of the movement. Without the freedom to express ourselves and allowing individuals to use their voices, there would be no foundation to speak against injustices in our world today. Even just applying that to social media, the freedom people have to post about issues and movements that contribute to their identity as a person is monumental.

Overall I find Individual Self Fulfillment to be of the strongest value to myself personally because of the effects it has had on my life alone and the inspiration it has given me. The ability to speak up for yourself and others is powerful, and something I want to practice in my life. It takes courage to speak your opinions on controversial topics or take a stand against injustice, but it also requires freedom of expression. Without it, the world we have built today would not be possible.


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