Citizen Journalism is a big part of our everyday lives. Something that we might even overlook or not fully comprehend sometimes. So what is it? Citizen Journalism is simply journalism by nonprofessionals. Non-professionals mean everyday people who are not investigative reporters or working for a news station. A lot of the time these people are consumers of professional journalism. Private individuals create their own news and broadcast it in a different way.
Citizens collect, report, and analyze data just like a professional would as well but then take that and broadcast it on their own which creates what is known as user-generated content, which is the key to citizen journalism.
This user-generated content can be showcased in many different forms but are normally of a digital nature. This content could come from blogs, podcasts, or any form of social media. These posts are not limited to just words or reports, content can include images, audio, and video.
Social Media has had a huge influence on citizen journalism in today's world. This is due to the fact that we as citizens are constantly on our technological devices. Everyday people have 24/7 access to the internet and platforms where they can be discussing opinions and beliefs. Due to the fact that people are constantly starring at a screen and communicating through a phone, sometimes these are the people that will be the first to report a breaking story or any news because they are witnessing it themselves. This wasn’t always a common thing years ago, because the speed that information can carry online was not around. This first-hand reporting creates remarkable real-time announcing of important events. Not only that but it can often include images or video to add to the report which has been helpful in so many situations.
One of the most beneficial attributes of citizen journalism is that witnesses have documentary proof from their technological devices, which can help for example in criminal cases. I remember when the Boston Marathon Bombing took place, me being from the area it was all anyone could talk about when it was happening. The Boston Police asked that anyone who was videoing the race turn their footage in to be investigated, which in the end was extremely helpful in uncovering the bombers identity. This stands true for any situation similar in any capacity because it can take he said/ she said debate into actual footage, making it reporting more reliable.
All of this is amazing but citizen journalism does not come without flaws, one of which is the concern about reliability. Turning away from video and image documenting, and focusing more on reporting in general through social media, these everyday people might not be speaking the truth. Citizen journalism raises concern about fact-checking and incorrect information being spread to the public.
Overall Citizen Journalism has made an enormous impact on today's reporting and has revolutionized the news. Many believe that citizen journalism poses a threat to professional journalism and people working in the industry. It is often used by professionals to browse new stories and ideas to report. Because citizen journalism is posted in such real-time, it is in a professional's best interest to stay up to date on social media news. Social media has by far been the most impactful tool for creating citizen journalism and user-generated content, due to the fact that breaking stories are backed with eye-witness videos, first-hand accounts, and real-time information, all using social media. Citizen Journalism is revolutionizing the way we report to the public.
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