The EOTO presentations were extremely beneficial when learning about different inventions. Most of what was discussed I had previous knowledge of, however, I was able to learn a lot more in-depth information of how things really came to be what I know them as today.
For example, one presentation I really enjoyed was the evolution of the iPhone. This is something that I personally use every single day, and the presentation made me realize just how remarkable it is to consider the technology I keep in my back pocket normal.
I learned more about apple's previous ventures with other companies and the first adaption of iTunes. It was fascinating to think that a project launched by apple could ever fail, but before the iPhone that was the case. The iPhone launched in 2007 but before that was the iPod, which was revolutionary for downloading multimedia.
The presentation showcased a timeline of the invention and It is incredible to see not only the physical updates in the model but to digest the technological advances that have come from the iPhone in the last decade.
Overall I was really happy to not only refresh my knowledge about the iPhone but to learn new information about the product and company that I didn’t previously know before.
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