I believe that everyone has an online presence and influence in some way or another. As for myself, I would scale my online footprint as medium-sized. I say this because even though on Instagram I only have a little over one thousand followers, they are all people I interact with for the most part and have high engagement with. I also am part of organizations such as my sorority Alpha Gamma Delta, therefore my footprint can reach further than people that follow me and I could make an impact on many different communities online. I do not have a personal website, however, I would love to develop one for myself one day. The social media sites that I use are Instagram, Tik Tok, Snapchat, and Pinterest. I post on Instagram the most, just pictures of myself and friends. Snapchat I use off and on, I tend to find it to be slightly toxic and the least intimate form of communication. I tend to take many breaks from Snapchat. As for Tik Tok and Pinterest, I mostly just browse through c...