Ted Talk - Privacy
In class, we talk about the amazing technology and inventions that have been created in history. The technological advances that we have been making are simply extraordinary, and with that comes a reminder of where it all started and how much things have changed. Not only just how a software has updated over the years or how a phone docent have to hand from a wall anymore, but rather how the consumer has changed. In todays age communication is based heavily through technology, and young people are not practicing the fundamental skills of in person communication due to their digital bubble. Since things have changed so much and knowledge of what life used to be like before these advances seems impossible, many people run into trouble when putting too much time into and online presence.
In one of the Ted Talk videos I listened to Jaun Enriquez talk about tattoos. At first it was hard for me to see where he was going in relation to social media. However, his message became very clear and important the more I listened. He explained the different perceptions people can have to tattoos on our bodies. Some may be looked at as beautiful, while others might represent something that we say “we would never want tattooed on our body” which is exactly his point. Juan explains the question of what is everything we posted online was placed on our bodies like tattoos and was a permanent representation of who you are as a person.
This question was extremely interesting to think more about on my own. It is incredible the impact our words have these days online. It served to me as a reminder that once it’s posted, its out there forever. There is no taking back a quick hate comment you left on a post, it is out there forever. I think this was a very good analogy to use and it definitely allowed people to reflect and be reminded to how important it is to be careful online.
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