

 I believe that everyone has an online presence and influence in some way or another. As for myself, I would scale my online footprint as medium-sized. I say this because even though on Instagram I only have a little over one thousand followers, they are all people I interact with for the most part and have high engagement with. I also am part of organizations such as my sorority Alpha Gamma Delta, therefore my footprint can reach further than people that follow me and I could make an impact on many different communities online. I do not have a personal website, however, I would love to develop one for myself one day.  The social media sites that I use are Instagram, Tik Tok, Snapchat, and Pinterest. I post on Instagram the most, just pictures of myself and friends. Snapchat I use off and on, I tend to find it to be slightly toxic and the least intimate form of communication. I tend to take many breaks from Snapchat. As for Tik Tok and Pinterest, I mostly just browse through c...


 Listening to other EOTO presentations again was extremely beneficial I think for everyone. We learned about so many different key concepts related to current news and events happening in the U.S. One concept that I found extremely relevant was the Echo Chamber. I had never really heard of this before and with the relevance of the election, it was extremely useful and fascinating to learn about.   An Echo Chamber is an environment where only encounters information or opinions that reflect and reinforce their own. Basically what this means is that people are only listening and reinforcing the same one-sided beliefs over and over again, never allowing for counter-argument or discussions.   One of the concerns talked about was the possibility of misinformation within echo chambers. I looked at it as almost like someone can brainwash you with their beliefs and they might not even be true since no one ever argues it.


  Citizen Journalism is a big part of our everyday lives. Something that we might even overlook or not fully comprehend sometimes. So what is it? Citizen Journalism is simply journalism by nonprofessionals. Non-professionals mean everyday people who are not investigative reporters or working for a news station. A lot of the time these people are consumers of professional journalism. Private individuals create their own news and broadcast it in a different way. Citizens collect, report, and analyze data just like a professional would as well but then take that and broadcast it on their own which creates what is known as user-generated content, which is the key to citizen journalism.   This user-generated content can be showcased in many different forms but are normally of a digital nature. This content could come from blogs, podcasts, or any form of social media. These posts are not limited to just words or reports, content can include images, audio, and video.   Social Me...

Ted Talk - Privacy

In class, we talk about the amazing technology and inventions that have been created in history. The technological advances that we have been making are simply extraordinary, and with that comes a reminder of where it all started and how much things have changed. Not only just how a software has updated over the years or how a phone docent have to hand from a wall anymore, but rather how the consumer has changed. In todays age communication is based heavily through technology, and young people are not practicing the fundamental skills of in person communication due to their digital bubble. Since things have changed so much and knowledge of what life used to be like before these advances seems impossible, many people run into trouble when putting too much time into and online presence.   In one of the Ted Talk videos I listened to Jaun Enriquez talk about tattoos. At first it was hard for me to see where he was going in relation to social media. However, his message became very clea...

Diffusion of Innovation - Tik Tok

 Tik Tok is a platform that has been growing immensely the last two years. What is it? Tok Tok is a platform that allows people to share short videos between 15-60 seconds on just about anything. It is one of the fastest-growing apps on the market and if very popular for an audience of the digital age. The platform was originally known as Musically, which was again a video platform but more solely focused on music videos. It wasn’t until 2017 that Tik Tok took over. Due to the global pandemic taking place in our world today, Tik Tok usage spiked during the nationwide quarantine. People created content in their stay at home free time, and enjoyed watching other peoples creations. Tik Tok trends are another crucial thing that people keep track of and and incentive for people to stay up to date. The freedom of the videos posted on Tik Tok allows there to be something for just about anyone to enjoy.   Although Tik Tok has experienced a recent spike in usage it took users a long ti...


The EOTO presentations were extremely beneficial when learning about different inventions. Most of what was discussed I had previous knowledge of, however, I was able to learn a lot more in-depth information of how things really came to be what I know them as today.  For example, one presentation I really enjoyed was the evolution of the iPhone. This is something that I personally use every single day, and the presentation made me realize just how remarkable it is to consider the technology I keep in my back pocket normal. I learned more about apple's previous ventures with other companies and the first adaption of iTunes. It was fascinating to think that a project launched by apple could ever fail, but before the iPhone that was the case. The iPhone launched in 2007 but before that was the iPod, which was revolutionary for downloading multimedia.   The presentation showcased a timeline of the invention and It is incredible to se...

8 Values: Individual Self-Fulfillment

Free expression is a powerful thing for a person to utilize, and within it comes specific values. There are eight values of free expression, and each one describes in different ways why free expression is important to us as American Citizens.   The value that seems the most personally important for me is Individual Self- Fulfillment. "Individual self-fulfillment, often associated with the liberty theory, posits that people need and crave the ability to express themselves to become fully functioning individuals. Censorship stunts personal growth and individual expansion." I chose this one because it focuses on free speech and how it allows us to create our personal identity and way of showcasing what is important to us. This resonates the most with me especially in this day in age, because being able to utilize y...